Transparency. Performance. Margin of Safety.

Byron Place Capital Management offers our clients a Concentrated All Cap Equity Strategy.  We concentrate our positions between 15 and 40 stocks and reserve the right to hold up to a 50% cash position in portfolios.  Our belief is that concentrating our portfolio in our best stock ideas with the ability to flex cash will result in superior risk adjusted returns over a market cycle.  The ability to flex our cash position in our portfolios allows us to have a greater margin of safety when the risk/reward in the stock market skews negative.

Byron Place Capital Management manages capital via separately managed accounts (SMAs).   Interactive Brokers acts as the custodian, with all investment accounts held in the clients’ name.   Clients will have full transparency to the investments in their accounts, as well as the ability to deposit/withdraw funds at any time.  We believe this structure to be the most beneficial and in the best interests of our clients.

The minimum account size is $500,000.   Clients pay a 1% annual management fee.  Qualified clients have the option of paying a 20% performance fee based on capital appreciation with no management fee instead of the typical 1% annual management fee structure.  Offering a performance fee only structure further aligns our interest with clients.  In a performance fee only structure, we only make money if you make money.

Byron Place Capital Management never forgets our fiduciary responsibility and we view our clients as partners.  When you invest with us, you can rest assured that our money will be invested right next to yours.   A significant portion of the portfolio manager’s net worth is invested in the Strategy.  We believe this serves as an additional incentive to continually strive for the best risk-adjusted returns for our clients.